
Monday, November 1, 2021

Workshop #5 — Music

 Workshop #5  —  Music

Tempo - speed of the music - fast/slow/moderate
Dynamics - volume - how loud or quiet it is
Key - major - happy sounds, minor - sad sound

#1st Scene — Rue's death

How is music used to create atmosphere — depressing (sad/mournful)

Tempo - Slow
Dynamics - Quiet, gets louder as Katniss raises her salute & District 11
Key - Minor

What happened — Rue is killed, Katniss tries to give her body the closest to a burial that she can.

Colour/Lighting — White flowers - stands out, symbol: innocent & pure - rue never killed anyone, kinder, compassionate, victim, natural lighting, greens, stands out

Shots/Angles - medium closeups - Rue & Katniss - use their emotions & facial expressions, anguish - high angle - weak & vulnerable - Rue is an innocent & Blameless victim

Effect on Viewer - the atmosphere of remorse/intense sadness, it builds the intensity, we see emotions are contagious - hope

Directors Purpose - feel Katniss's emotions at that moment - remorse, anger, helplessness, acceptance, rebellion
- symbol of 3 finger salute is a sign of defiance & anger towards the game makers - you will not ruin who I am, also a symbol of unification with those who have lost loved ones to the games

Music is used to create an atmosphere of sorrow and remorse in Rue's death scene. In this scene, we see Katniss dealing with the slaughter of her young friend Rue. For example, the tempo is slow the dynamics are quiet and the key is minor to reflect the emotional rollercoaster that Katniss is feeling. Like the music Katniss moves slowly and methodically to cover Rue's body in white flowers. As she finishes the music builds in volume, showing the increasing intensity of anger and grief. This makes us understand the pain experienced by the families of the tributes when they are killed each year. This was done to enable the viewer to feel the emotions of the characters. This worked well with the use of white flowers to symbolise Rue's innocence and purity and the high angle shot making her weak & vulnerable. Combined with the music we are shown that Rues is a victim of the creativity of the Capitol.

Monday, October 18, 2021

Workshop #4 - How does the 'lighting & colour' enhance the story?

 Workshop #4

Atmosphere - feeling/mood set in the scene
Mood - the way we feel/emotional response
Location - the area it is set.

Picture 1 - District 12

What is happening in the scene?
Katniss is jogging through the District.

Why types of colours/lighting are used in this location? (warm/cold, bright/dull, natural/artificial)
colours - cold colours, grey undertones, dull colours, blue/grey shades, natural colours, palette - greens, browns, greys, black
lighting - cold, dull, natural

What effect does this have on the viewer?
not welcoming, unpleasant, run-down, dirty, poor

Why has the director used these colours/lighting?
how unpleasant it is to live in the districts, underprivileged, good comparison for Capitol.

What other techniques add to this effect?
setting - dirty roads, houses derelict, transport - old fashioned, wagons, no electricity

Picture 2 - The Capitol

What is happenning in this scene?
The citizens of The Capitol are awaiting the arrival of the tributes.

What types of colours/lighting are used in this location? (warm/cold, bright/dull, natural/artifical)
 - white undertones, bright/artifical
lighting - cold (white), artifical, bright
palette - setting, whites/metalics - cotumes, bright, vibrant, colourful

What effect does this have on the viewer?
the people are privilleged, they are celebrating, they are more advanced.

Why has the director used these colours/lighting?
makes us sympathise with the rtibutes - they have lots and the districts have none, don like them, they seem over the top & arrogant

What other techniques add to this effect?
costume - rich, extravagant, flaunting, over the top
settings - rich, modern, new, technologically advanced, clean

Picture 3 - The Control Room

What is happening in this scene?
People are manipulating the arena via computer

What types of colours/lighting are used in this location? (warm/cold, bright/dull, natural/artificial)
colour palette - blue/white, dark grey/clinical
colour - cold (blue/white) bright - especially white shirts, artifical lighting/colour - cyan/holographic

What effect does this have on the viewer?
Makes us feel they are smart but unsafe, scientific

Why has the director used these colours/lighting?
make us feel like they are mindless drones, detached from reality

What other techniques add to this effect?
costume - white lab coats - feels like an experiment
settings - no clutter, lots of technology, only focused on the one job

Monday, September 20, 2021

Angles, Movements + Shots

 Workshop 2: Angles, Movements, Shots 


"The Reaping Scene"

Katniss volunteers as tribute when her sister is chosen.
• The children/parents of the district give her the 3 finger salute
• Peeta Mellark is chosen as the male tribute.

Hope & Rebellion

3 finger salute
• It is a sign of respect for Katniss from the people of her district
• Katniss is a symbol of hope for a district victor
• Katniss is a symbol of rebellion because she steps in for her sister (a weaker character) when she is reaped.

Rich vs Poor


Effie Trinket 
• Extreme Make-Up • Hat & Wig • Overly Colourful • Flashy Outfit • Speaks in a "proper" accent
• Use of blood readers/scanners • Projectors • Microphone


District 12
• Children's outfits for reaping are the best clothes, dresses, shirts - collared boys - shorts or pants, colours of their clothes are very faded from washes and reusing.
• The village is falling down around them

Angle Shots

• Close-Ups
Primrose Everdeen - when she is reaped - terror, fear
Effie Trinket - joyful, confident, excited - close up of lips when reading names
Peeta Mellark - fear, panic, shock
Katniss Everdeen - nervous, panic, fear, shock - Panic when Prim is reaped, Shock when she is standing with Effie

• Shallow Focus
The people in the background are in shallow focus when Prim & Katniss hug. This forces the viewer to watch the characters in focus.

VIewer Feels

• sorry for the tributes 
- primrose, it was her first time
- katniss - she volunteered, self-less act

• Anger towards The Capitol for the reaping
• We consider Effie is annoying, happy, stuck-up, clueless

Directors Purpose

• need to be invested in their journey/suffering
• need to be angry at Capitol so that we judge them & their decisions later
• Effie is depicted (shown to be) as a symbol of people in the District, they are clueless - don't see the suffering

Music, Lighting, Colour


Starts as we move to picking the boys
Minor key, tempo; slower, dynamic, starts quietly then gets louder to build intensity, mood; tension, morose


bright, grey, natural, cold lighting, bright, mood; sad, depressed


cold, colour palette; white, grey, blue, faded, washed out
atmosphere - despair, sorry for the people, poverty, run-down,  

[Extra - Facial Expressions]

facial expressions are dull, bland, sad, matching the lighting colour

Friday, September 10, 2021

Themes & Ideas

Workshop 1 - Themes & Ideas

[Rich vs Poor]
"Some people have more" 

• Money • Privelleges • Respect • Food • Variety • Luxury • Cleanwater • Proper housing
• Technology • Good health, medicines • Fashion/clothing • Transport • Fewer responsibilities
• Protection/security


[Hope + Rebellion]

"Hope breeds rebellion, if you have hope you have the motivation to rebel"

HOPE "the belief that something will get better."
REBELLION "to fight against something in order to make the change better
protest, uprise, usually against the government)

Symbols of Hope 

• Katniss • Melodic motive • Mockingjay • Three-finger salute • Two victors


[Struggle for Power]
"with privilege becomes power"

The capitol currently has power, President Snow

Katniss becomes a rival for power - people look up to her for guidance, becomes a threat because President Snow sees her as one.

Hope, it's is the only thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous"

Due to the consequences of District 13's failed uprising people have been afraid of rebelling. 

Being rich, Becoming a victor, Having a "normal" life

That all victors will join together and win as one, therefore the districts deserve to be treated better 


[Power of Propaganda]
"especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view."

Messages being told
• It's not worth rebelling,  The Capitol is strongest, • The structure of Panem under the capitols control brings peace and balance. 

Peace Keepers
Propaganda: people who keep the peace and can help you.
soldiers who brutally/violently force structure in society. look like stormtroopers to mark them as nameless soldiers who can't take the blame. 

Propaganda: glorious, someone who wins, become wealthy, become respected
Reality: a murderer who was living off the lives of 23 other people, lives with trauma and guilt. 

Propaganda: People who die in the games Takes the brutal reality of the situation (Paints a softer picture of people falling rather than being brutally murdered in the unnecessary games.) It suggests something more peaceful rather than violent. 
Reality: Teenagers/Children who have been killed or murdered/Very violent 

Propaganda: two brave young people, An honor to be selected as a tribute - and honor to die, 
 Reality: is a sacrifice and a punishment to the districts for rebelling.


[Rich vs Poor]
People in the capitol vs people in the districts - Compare opening shot in 12 vs peeta looking out the window of the capitol

District 12
Poor, Houses are made of wood and scraps (Not in good condition), Very little food available *See old man picking at a bone*, 1 pair of good clothing for the reaping, Other clothes are worn, faded, grey and black clothing as easier to look cleaner aka to not show coal dust, 

Houses are large and modern design, have metal and materials available for housing. Food - have a variety of food available to choose from - more than enough excess, Clothing is colourful, extravagant and fashionable there is excess. 


[Hope + Rebellion]
Convo between President Snow + Senica Craine - a little hope quote
Convo between Hamich and senica = give them something to root for, "young love"


[Struggle for Power]
Katniss + Peta's double suicide attempt in the arena with berries. 
Death of Rue = Riot in District 11


[Power of Propaganda]
Subtle. Hunger games film at the beginning of reaping.


["I volunteer as tribute"]

Katniss volunteers as tribute for her sister prim, the peacekeepers let go and let her talk to her sister. 
Effie has bright colors and extreme wigs and makeup whereas katniss has faded clothes and brown hair 
Everyone solutes to katniss showing rebellion and hope. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

Pick-a-Path, Visual & Sound Techniques

 Pick-a-Path, Visual & Sound Techniques 

Visual Dictionary, Camera Angles

Visual Dictionary, Camera Angles
by Kahciar

What am I learning?
I am learning to understand the language of film and camera techniques.

How does this work show my learning?
By showing what I understand about different camera angles.

What am I wondering as a result of this learning?
How did the Camera Angles get their names?

Monday, August 2, 2021

DNA Extraction

 DNA Extraction 

Aim: to extract DNA from Kiwifruit


  • Kiwifruit
  • Water
  • Beakers
  • Sand
  • Spatula
  • Ethanol 
  • Sandwich Bags
  • Bunsen Burners
  • Heat Mat
  • Gauze Mat
  • Tripod
  • Test Tube
  • Test Tube Rack
  • Dishwash Liquid
  • Lighter
  • Glass Rod
  • Cloth
  • Step 1 Open the Sandwich Bag and put half a Kiwifruit into the bag. Put Sand and Water into the Bag. 
  • Step 2 Squish the Kiwifruit until there are no chunks left.
  • Step 3 Once squished, pour the Kiwifruit through the cloth to collect the juice in the beaker. Then transfer the Kiwifruit into the Test Tube.
  • Step 4 Pour 10ml of Water into the Beaker. Then, put the beaker on top of the Tripod and warm the water. (Take it off when you see bubbles forming on the bottom of the beaker)
  • Step 5 Pour 2 drops of Dishwashing Liquid into the Test Tube that has the Kiwifruit juice. Then rest the Test Tube in the Beaker with warm water.
  • Step 6 Add the Ethanol into the Tes Tube and watch the DNA separate and collect with Spatula.


Friday, July 9, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Stuff Article

Stuff Article

What % of rubbish can cause a recycling truck to be dumped?
Trucks containing more than 10% of rubbish have to dump it in the landfill.

What is going into people's recycling bins that aren't allowed?
Bagged waste, soft plastic, takeaway cups, batteries

What are the current penalties?
They use different stickers to indicate whether you're using the right bins. If you have more than 3 stars they take your bins away. To get the bins back, people have to pay $97.65 and sign a statement promising to abide by the rules. Their bins would be monitored to make sure they kept that promise.

Article Link: Stuff NZ

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Eco Tourism


What is Eco-Tourism?
The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) has stated that Ecotourism can be defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserve the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves interpretation and education” It can aid in the development of environmental and cultural awareness and respect, as well as the reduction of physical, social, behavioural, and psychological harm. It can also help you recognise the rights and spiritual beliefs of the Indigenous Peoples in your community and work with them to empower them.

Why is it a growing trend?
Traditional tourism sites and activities do not satisfy many people, thus there is a growing demand for more demanding and educational travel. Ecotourism is growing in popularity as more people become conscious of the harmful effects of tourism, whether on the destination or the natural environment. There are significant indicators that the popularity of new social media and social networking sites is growing. Satellite cable news also played a significant impact.

How can tourism help our Oceans?
Ecotourism is a more sustainable kind of nature-based tourism (as opposed to mass tourism) that reduces environmental consequences on physical, social, behavioural, and psychological levels. Ecotourism contributes to the development of a culture of environmental stewardship and protection while providing enjoyable experiences for guests and hosts. Eco-tourism has even been labelled "sustainable" because of its long-term nature. capacity to meet demands without jeopardising future generations' ability to meet their own needs This has been tried and tested in Raja Ampat with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Figurative Languge

 Figurative Language


The sun sizzled the swimmer's skin.
accidentally ate aawful apple.
Beth borrowed Barry’s books before biology. 
Slipping and sliding, I stumbled in the snow and slush.
Many mysterious men mumbled messages.
The gallant goat gobbled gobs of garbage greedily. 
The rapidly rising river rushed rampantly.

Red roses… relish in the radiant rays of the sun. 
While wandering…wizards waddle along, whimpering white walruses die.
The tired traveler... treks along the translucent track, telling tales


The wind whispered through the gloomy forest. 
In this sentence, the wind has been personified by being given the ability to speak or whisper. 

The gardener lovingly added the manure to his crops believing he was making happy flowers.
In this sentence, the flowers are being personified and being given emotion specifically happiness. 

.  As we walked through the scorching desert, the sun beat down on us.
In this sentence, it is the sun that is being personified as it is being given the action of beating down on them. 

 The lumberjack leveled the many trees into a clearing and his chainsaw sang its deadly song.
The chainsaw is being personified as it is been given the human straight if singing a song. 

 As Alice searched for her missing pencil, she said sarcastically, “Well, I guess it just walked off of my desk.”  She looked at her classmates accusingly.  
The pencil has been personified in the sentence as it has been given the human trait of walking. 

When Monica walked through the shoe store, each shiny pair of high heels called out to her.
High heels have been personified and have called out to her interpreting that they can speak. 


My desk leg got mad and kicked my toe while I was walking past. 

The clouds we sad today they cried down on us all morning. 

The Lollies on the shelf we calling my name. 

My alarm clock squeals at me to get out of bed every morning 

the wind howled through the night 

lightening danced through the clouds. 

The moon played hide and seek with the clouds 

the avalanche devours anything in its way. 


A plate being dropped on the floor. - SMASH 
A balloon being burst. - POP
A gun being shot. - BANG
Someone eating chips. - CRUNCH
A light is switched on. -  CLICK
A fierce dog. - GROWL
A small bell being rung. - TINKLE 
A door opening - CREEK 
A bomb exploding - BOOM
A child screaming. - SCREECH
The old engine chugged down the rickety track. 
The hard-hit tennis ball whistled by my ear.
The truck’s brakes screeched in the distance.
The rain beat on the metal barn roof.
His guitar strings twanged the sad melody. 
The old floor creaked as we walked slowly across it. 
The fire cracked and popped on a cold night. 
The snake hissed when I startled it.


  Ticktock, ticktock… the sound of the clock was all that could be heard in the hospital waiting room.
   I ordered online proofreading services with the click of a mouse.
  I knew we had finally left the city when I could hear the gentle moo of the cows in the field.
 Quack, quack went the ducks as we threw them our stale bread.
 Zip! My dress was fastened and I was finally ready for the wedding.
  It was lovely to wake up to the tweet of the birds outside my bedroom window.
   “Compliments to the chef,” roared the giant as he let out a huge belch.
  My teeth were chattering as we waited in the freezing cold for the bus to arrive.
I could hear their buzzing, so I knew there was a bee’s nest around here somewhere.
 Please do not beep your horn after dark.


I’m so hungry I could eat a whole elephant! (Hyperbole/Not)
May is the nicest month of the year. (Hyperbole/Not)
Her brightly colored dress hurt his eyes. (Hyperbole/Not)
The roof rose up and down to the rhythm of the music. (Hyperbole/Not)
I ate all of my salad for lunch.  (Hyperbole/Not)
The dog was so dirty it had a tomato plant growing on its back. (Hyperbole/Not)

 A strong wind. - The wind was like a tornado 
A headache. - It felt like my head was going to explode 
A fast computer - My computer was working at the speed of light 
A funny movie - The movie had me dying on the floor 
A hot pan - The pan was as hot as hell 
A loud, crying baby - The baby screamed like a baby dinosaur 
Heavy groceries - The groceries weigh a trillion pounds 
A scary dog - The dog scared me to death

The Hunter Swoop

 The Hunter Swoop

1. 1 Sentence of Top Left Hand Corner of the Image 
Boring dead plants lay on the ground, with an icy mountain top snow accompanying its point.

2. 1 Sentence Top Right Hand Corner of the Image 
Bright mountains with a white blanket covering its cracks and clouds hiding its sharp points.

3. 1-2 Sentences Bottom of the Image
Tire marks burn onto the frozen road, with vivid yellow shouting at your eyes. The road looks like a glitch almost, making me question if it's real.

4 - 1-2 Sentence Middle of the Image
Sharp corners, sharper than the top of the mountain singing in the background giving you butterflies in your stomach. It stretches longer than my eyesight can go, giving me an exhilarating feeling in my feet.

Mix & Match 

Figurative Language

Comparing two unlike things using the words like or as

Literal Language

An exaggeration of the facts.


Saying one thing and meaning something else.


Writing with detail to arouse one or more of the 5 senses.


A phrase common to people who speak the same language- saying one thing but meaning another. 


Meaning exactly what you say.


Comparing two unlike things not using the words like or as.


Repetition of consonant sounds in a piece of writing. 


Giving human qualities to nonhuman things.


Figurative Column

Literal Column

  1. “Just chill out dude!”
    It means: “Calm down dude!”

  1. “He is driving me up the wall”
    It means: “He’s annoying me”

  1. “His nose is out of joint”
    It means: “He was very angry/annoying”

  1. “The teacher is a real scream”
    It means: “The teacher was very funny”

  1. “What is she cooking up in her mind right now?”
    It means: “What is she planning in her mind right now?”

  1. “He gave her the eye”
    It means: “He was looking at her in a sexual away to show that he’s attracted”

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Sustainable Fishing

 Sustainable Fishing

How is commercial fishing a threat to dolphins and birdlife?

Bycatch is when the fishing industry catches a fish or any other marine species is caught while they are targeting another type of marine species. Commercial Fishing is a commonly used skill used in fishing.  

Commercial fishing often uses big Gillnets, they are the biggest threat right now to Dolphins, Whales, and birdlife. Old Gillnets used to be made out of woven rope and apparently were not a big threat to them back then because they detected that some woven ropes held air bubbles that bounced off sounds sent out by dolphins and whales to navigate and find food.  

In the 1980s, the idea of using plastic Gillnets came into the talk. The plastic Gillnets were lighter but stronger and lasted longer than the woven ropes. And, they were much less expensive than the ropes. The plastic Gillnets were invisible in the water and it caused more marine life to get caught. A study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) in 2014 notes that an estimated 650,000 marine mammals (including whales and dolphins) die in foreign fisheries every year due to being hooked or entangled in nets and other fishing gear.  

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Shark Finning

 Shark Finning 

What is Shark Finning?
Shark Finning, in simple words, is where there are people cutting off a shark's fin and then throwing its body (while it's dead) back into the sea. Leaving it to sink and while some sharks are still alive leaving they sink and die because it has none of their fins. The fins are used in China and Hong Kong, and by Chinese communities elsewhere in the world.

Why is it a delicacy? 
Shark Fins are used to celebrate at celebratory events such as weddings, birthdays, funerals, (etc.). The Chinese make a dish called "Shark Fin Soup" dating back more than 1,000 years. The Fins are supposed to be similar to noodles. They simply don't have any flavour so they have to use Chicken Stock to give it some flavour. A bowl of soup can cost up to US$100 - ($138.65 NZD) 

How is this impacting our oceans? 
Sharks are Apex Predators. Sharks are very important because they maintain the species below them in the food chain. They also serve as an indicator for ocean health. They help withdraw the weak and sick.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Starfish Poem

Starfish Poem

Once upon a time, there was a wise man 

who used to go to the ocean 

to do his writing. 

He had a habit of walking 

on the beach 

before he began his work. 

One day he was walking along 

the shore. 

As he looked down the beach, 

he saw a human 

figure moving like a dancer. 

He smiled to himself to think 

of someone who would 

dance to the day. 

So he began to walk faster 

to catch up. 

As he got closer, he saw 

that it was a young man 

and the young man wasn't dancing, 

but instead, he was reaching 

down to the shore, 

picking up something 

and very gently throwing it 

into the ocean. 

As he got closer he called out, 

"Good morning! What are you doing?" 

The young man paused, 

looked up, and replied, 

"Throwing starfish in the ocean." 

"I guess I should have asked, 

why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?" 

"The sun is up and the tide is going out. 

And if I don't throw them in they'll die." 

"But, young man, don't you realize that 

there are miles and miles of beach 

and starfish all along with it. 

You can't possibly make a difference!" 

The young man listened politely. 

Then bent down, picked up another starfish 

and threw it into the sea, 

past the breaking waves and said- 

"It made a difference for that one."

What is the Main Message in the Poem?

  • When the man says "Buy, young man, don't you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish along with it. You can't possibly make a difference!" The young boy says as he throws the Starfish into the sea "It made a difference for that one" This is showing that no matter how big or small your input is, it still makes a difference for something/someone. Even though the young boy could not get all thousands of them he made a difference for those Starfishes that he managed to throw back in. 
  • Having one person or a small number of people helping can still make a difference in their lives. Starting with a small number of people or one person can lead to a bigger number of people helping out.
  • "A small change can make a big difference"

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Great Pacific Garbage Patch Newspaper

You’re a part of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

We all know about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, but do you really know how much impact humanity has on it? Up to 80% of rubbish in the ocean is because of inland rubbish. The garbage we produce that ends up in the ocean downgrades into very small pieces of rubbish called Microplastics ending up in Marine life transferring to Humans. In 2015, Dutch researchers found that the number of marine species that swallow or get caught in plastic had doubled since 1997: from 267 to 557. 

In recent years, this patch has grown to a monstrous size. It has been recorded that it is about two times the size of Texas and Three times the size of France! Researchers found that most of the mass is the large debris getting ready to decompose into Microplastics. Microplastics are smaller than a bottle cap, they are not immediately noticeable to the naked eye. They are described to be small as pepper flakes. Scientists have said that they don’t know the exact amount of Marine Debris because of The North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The gyre is simply too big for the scientists to search thoroughly. “"Yet as I gazed from the deck at the surface of what ought to have been a pristine ocean, I was confronted, as far as the eye could see, with the sight of plastic.” - Capt. Charles Moore, discoverer of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, in an article for Natural History magazine in 2003

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is unable to be seen from
space because the Microplastics float just
below the surface and the big plastics reflect light. Microplastics are often mistaken for food by Marine Animals. Meaning when those animals have been eaten by Humans it transfers into the Humans. In addition, chemicals are often mixed into the plastic during the production process These chemicals

can in turn leak from the plastic, even when that plastic is inside the body of an animal.

Don’t get too scared because of the Microplastics, Marine Debris Program has recorded that it might not have such a big impact on Humans. Microplastics are often included in everyday items that us Humans breathe, drink or eat such as sea salt, tap water, beer, and even honey. Plastic microfibers can also be transported in the air and found in household dust (e.g., from furniture, carpet, clothing etc.) So it's a very small percentage for it to badly affect Humans.

Original Format: Newspaper