
Thursday, December 6, 2018

Passion Project Reflection

Passion Project Reflection

Augmented Reality Sandbox
[ Digital World ]

First Week, of passion projects. We discussed about the topic 'Augmented Reality Sandbox'. We researched about how the sandbox works and what materials we needed to create the sandbox. We wrote down a draft of the materials that we needed and how it will work.

Second Week, we sketched a rough copy of the reality sandbox. We wrote the official measurements onto the drawing and also the materials. 

Third Week, the admins contacted different stores for the equipment we needed. Before they sent anything, they showed a adult for permission. 

Fourth Week, the construction team and also admins got taught on how to draw the sandbox properly, and also how to put the materials on the drawing. The technology team got taught on how to work the system for the sandbox.

Fifth Week, the construction team went into the workshop and worked out the measurements with the teacher. Then they looked at the different types of wood, that the school had already had in store. The teacher took the measurements and cut the wood for us. Then the construction team started building the sandbox. 

Sixth Week, one sandbox got finished. So the sand team, went out to the beach and collected the sand. While they went out to do that, the other teams worked on the sandbox and others worked on the presentations. When the sand team came back they cleaned out the sand and made sure there were no little particles that could harm our hands.

Seventh Week, some of the presentations got finished. The construction team continued to stride and finish another sandbox. 

Eight Week, we started our blog posts on the reflection of the process of this passion project. This week was more of a chill week. The construction team still working hard to finish.

Ninth Week, (Today) the teams are starting to finish their presentations and send it to Mr. Stokes to put them together.

What did I enjoy about this passion project?
I enjoyed that we could use our creativity to create these sandboxes.

What did I Dislike About This Passion Project?
Believe it or not, I did not dislike anything about this project. It was super fun and I learnt about different things everyday.
What Am I Looking Forward Too See?
I am looking forward to seeing the Musical Theatre and Discovery.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Reflection About Cybersmart

Term 1
Lesson One: We made a digital poster about 'How To Use Your Smarts To Protect Your Chromebook.'
Lesson Two: We talked about how to keep our passwords a secret and common passwords that you shouldn't use. 
Lesson Three: We learn which keyboard shortcuts are the most effective. 
Lesson Four: We learnt about what to share online. Public Vs Private Information.
Lesson Five:
We wanted to grow our audience. So we talked about how we can plus the amount of viewers. 

Lesson Six: We found out how we can find out information about someone else.

What Did I Like About Cybersmarts? 
I liked that we learnt about useful topics and tips and tricks on different shortcuts.

Something I didn't enjoy?
Having to blog all the time.

Something my Cybersmarts teacher did well...?
She was very clear about what she was teaching us.

Something she could do better?
Be more excited about the topic that she is teaching.

Monday, November 26, 2018

🥀 - Hello, Emma! 👋

🥀 - Hello, Emma! 👋

🙋 My name is Kahciar, I attend Hornby High School. I am a year 7 soon to be a year 8. 

🚶 My hobbies are writing, reading, listening to K-pop ( Korean Pop ) and KRNB ( Korean RNB ), painting and Korean and Chinese dramas. I also like being independent and being in my own space.

If I won the Summer Learning Journery, what would I want to win?

🎉 If I won the SLJ, I would like to win another Chromebook.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A Google A Day - Question

A Google A Day

This invention was initially created as a walking machine and then was tweaked in 1932 to become amphibious. But neither of these are its main purpose now. What is the invention? 

Amphibious Cycle ( Cyclomer )

What Did I Learn?
I learnt that if you search the main words (example. Steven Adams rookie ) you will get more information about the topic. 

Friday, October 26, 2018



What Is Probability?
Probability is the measure of the like-hood that an event will occur.
How does Probability work?
The probability of an event is the measure of the chance the the event will occur as a result.
What did I learn about Probability?
  • If you do a few trials, the less the numbers would be close.
  • If you do heaps of trials, the numbers would be same.
  • If you flip something that has two sides (example; coin) there would be a 50/50 chance of getting a tail and head.
  • There would always be a chance, in every event.
  • There is always going to be likely and unlikely

Quick Tens

What is Quick Tens?
Quick Tens is a site where you have to answer 10 Questions in your book or on paper.
You also have a choice of:
  • Picking what level your on. (You can only choose the level you are on in maths)
  • What you want to focus on.
- Addition 
-Digit Values
  • And, what it wants to equal.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

100 Word Challenge

Wednesday 17 October 2018

100 Word Challenge

I was admiring the outside, it was very beautiful. I walked around the street on the flat concrete side.

As I was swiftly walking I heard a humongous bang.
I ran to go see if anyone was hurt, I peeked over the corner and I couldn’t believe what I saw… I saw a giant fighter dancing clumsily around a poor orange bath.

He danced and danced, he made me smile with his weird moves. He was dancing until he couldn’t move anymore. He fell down to the ground, I said my goodbyes even though he didn’t know I was there.


Writing this, was very hard. I only had the option of using 100 Words. This time I managed to make a story without worrying about the 100 Words, because I already had a story in mind and just had to cut some words out.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Growth Mindset & Fixed Mindset

I believe I have both Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset. Whenever there is something challenging I try it before giving up. Through the challenge, I slowly start to give up.

Monday, August 20, 2018

How Reading Plus Is Helping Me With Reading Skills

What Is Reading Plus?

Reading Plus is a reading programme that helps you with your Reading Rate  and can help you increase your reading skills. Reading Plus can also increase your reading pace.

How Does Reading Plus Work?

Reading Plus, has 3 different settings you can go on.
  • See Reader: See Reader is how the programme calculates your reading pace, how much words you have read and your comprehension rate.
  • Read Around: Read Around helps with your vocabulary.
  • I Balance: I Balance helps with your visual skills in reading.

How Can Reading Plus Help With Your Reading?

Reading Plus, can increase everything you do in Reading itself. Not only does it help with your Reading. It also helps with Visual Skills and Vocabulary.


My Goal For Reading Plus, is to increase my reading pace.


Thank you for Reading !

Friday, August 10, 2018

What Respecting Our Property Looks Like.

How I Worked With My Buddie(s)

Name(s): Dominique & Sierra.

I think, I worked very well with Dominique and Sierra. They both had amazing ideas, for the slide. They were very positive and helpful with the slide! 

What Is Our Property?
Our property is what we use, example: Our Pencils. We all care for them and respect them.

What Is Respect?
Respect is a positive feeling or a action towards someone else.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Black Holes - Astronomy

Can We See What Inside Of A Black Hole?

In Science we had gotten a choice of what topic related with science we wanted to do. I chose Astronomy I thought it would be fun to research more about outside earth. For this blog post i'll be 
focusing on Black Holes.

 What are Black Holes?
A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not escape. Black Holes gravity is so strong anything floating around it can be sucked in.The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny area. This can happen when a star is fading. Also known as a Red Giant Star.
Because no light can't escape, people can't see black holes. They are completley invisible. Space telescopes with special tools can help find black holes. 

How Big Are Black Holes?
Black Holes can come in different sizes (Small, Big, Medium etc) Scientists think the smallest black holes are as small as just one atom. These Black Holes are very little but have mass of a large mountain.
Another kind of black hole is called "stellar." Its mass can be up to 20 times more than the mass of the sun. (Suns Mass: 1.989 × 10^30 kg ) There may be many, many stellar mass black holes in Earth's galaxy. (The Earths Galaxy Is A Milky Way)

The largest black holes are called "supermassive." These black holes have masses that are more than 1 million suns together. Scientists have found proof that every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A. It has a mass equal to about 4 million suns and would fit inside a very large ball that could hold a few million Earths.

How Do Black Holes Form?
Scientists think the smallest black holes formed when the universe began.
Stellar black holes are made when the center of a very big star falls in upon itself, or collapses. When this happens, it causes a supernova. A supernova is an exploding star that blasts part of the star into space.
Scientists think supermassive black holes were made at the same time as the galaxy they are in

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Psychology - Task 24

Task 24

Aim: I want to find out if their age effects their mood during the songs.

Headphones / Earphones

1. Pick a person from school or family, etc.
2. Pick a music type or song.
3. Let them listen to the songs.
4. Ask them how they feel.
5. Record the data.

Kaedun - 11

Classical - Happy.
Country - Uncomfortable.
Opera - Bored.
Hip Hop / Rap - Excited.
Instrumental - Relaxed.
Thriller by Michael Jackson - Alive.
Halo by Beyonce - Relaxed,
Story of my life by 1D - Happy.
Burst And Pop by Paulina Froling - Uncomfortable.
Only Girl by Rihanna - Annoyed.

Haven - 6

Classical - Sad.
Country - Happy.
Opera - Sad.
Hip Hop / Rap - Happy.
Instrumental - Sad.
Thriller by Michael Jackson - Excited.
Halo by Beyonce - Calm.
Story of my life by 1D - Awesome.
Burst And Pop by Pauline Froling - Annoyed
Only Girl by Rihanna - In Love

Nikora - 12

Classical - Relaxed.
Country - Beautiful.
Opera - Bored.
Hip Hop/ Rap - Happy.
Instrumental - Relaxed.
Thriller - Happy.
Halo - Free.
Story Of My Life - Annoyed.
Burst And pop - Uncomfortable.
Only Girl - Annoyed


I did this experiment on three people. Kaedun, Haven and Nikora. I think their age did effect their moods. During this experiment Haven started dancing through every song, but had different emotions. Nikora and Kaedun didn't dance at all I think that is because they were thinking instead of dancing.

Psychology - Task 3

Task 3 

Aim: I want to find out if there is a popular number in the class.

Pencil or Pen.

1. Get a piece of paper and pen or pencil.
2. Go around the class and ask them to pick a number between 1 - 20.
3. After you have finished, record the data.



Seven was the most popular in the class, I think that is because seven is a holy number also known as a lucky number to most. Four, nine, twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen, nineteen, were the least favourite number in the class. I think that is because most are not really lucky numbers.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Psychology - Task 19

I want to find out how fast different people’s reflexes are.

  • Ruler
  • A Person.

  1. Get a subject to open their hand.
  2. Hold a ruler above their hand with the zero level with the top of their hand.


Nature - 11
attempt 1: miss
attempt 2: miss
attempt 3: miss
attempt 4: miss
attempt 5: miss
attempt 6: miss
attempt 7: miss
attempt 8: miss
attempt 9: miss
attempt 10: 29 cm

Kaedun - 11
attempt 1: 11 cm
attempt 2: 15.5 cm
attempt 3: 20 cm
attempt 4: miss
attempt 5: miss
attempt 6: miss
attempt 7: 17.5 cm
attempt 8: miss
attempt 9: 21.5 cm
attempt 10: 11 cm

Sharney - 11
Attempt 1: miss
Attempt 2: 28 cm
Attempt 3: miss
Attempt 4: 26 cm
Attempt 5: 26.5 cm
Attempt 6: miss
Attempt 7: miss
Attempt 8: miss
Attempt 9: miss
Attempt 10: miss

Nikora - 12

Attempt 1: Miss

Attempt 2: 19 cm

Attempt 3: Miss
Attempt 4: 29 cm
Attempt 5: 23 cm
Attempt 6: 30 cm
Attempt 7: 30 cm
Attempt 8: 28 cm
Attempt 9: 27 cm
Attempt 10: 23 cm

Ryan - 11
Attempt 1: 28 cm
Attempt 2: miss
Attempt 3: miss
Attempt 4: miss
Attempt 5: 30 cm
Attempt 6: 17.5 cm
Attempt 7: 30 cm
Attempt 8: miss
Attempt 9: miss
Attempt 10: miss

Hayley - 10
Attempt 1:miss
Attempt 2:miss
Attempt 3:23 cm
Attempt 4: miss
Attempt 5: miss
Attempt 6: 20. 5 cm
Attempt 7: miss
Attempt 8: miss
Attempt 9: 23 cm
Attempt 10: 15.5 cm

Talia - 11
Attempt 1: miss
Attempt 2:  16.5 cm
Attempt 3:  30 cm
Attempt 4: miss
Attempt 5: 18 cm
Attempt 6: 16.5 cm
Attempt 7: miss
Attempt 8: 11.5 cm
Attempt 9: 17 cm
Attempt 10: miss

During this experiment I noticed noticed some of our class mates had different moods. Some where tired,
happy, angry. I think their mood really changed their reflexes, as you can see some people got around 10 -
30 cm.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The 100 Word Challenge.

A Giants Cup
By Kahciar.

Thump! “Where is my tea cup?”
Once lived a giant woman who lived up in the clouds. She had once had a tea cup the was tremendously big. It was very special to her she used that cup everyday. She will look after it like she was taking care of a baby. One night she went on a long walk to find the fluffiest cloud she could see. She walked over to the cloud with her tea cup. She put her tea cup down.. Thump, the tea cup had fallen, she had never seen that tea cup again.


I really like this challenge this was fun to do, it was hard to keep it to 100 words because you can't have more or less than 100. I think next time we do this challenge I will add more adjectives, synonyms and more.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018



Whats is Psychology?
Psychology is the science of mind and behaviour, including conscious and unconscious.

What are the careers can I do with psychology?

Clinical Psychology : Clinical Psychology is a broad branch of Psychology of focusing on diagnosing mental health and emotions. 

Recreational Therapist : employ leisure activities to help patients with disabilities and illness.  

Forensic Psychology : play a vital role in shedding light on the mental functioning of defendants. 

Engineering Psychology : is a field of psychology that focuses on relationship with between human and the products we use everyday.

Research psychology : They utilize the scientific method of formulate and test hypotheses

My Roles And Responsibilities.

This is my Roles And Responsibilities, this slide is unfinished so please feel free to

Friday, March 2, 2018

Hornby High School Slideshow.

Our task for week 4 was to work on a Brochure or Slideshow for Hornby High School. We could choose to work individually or in pairs. I choose to work in pairs because I thought Team Work would get the job done fast. My buddy for this task was Heaven, she had so many ideas I couldn't keep up. I thought of making the slide the school colours so that's what I did. Eventually we both had so many ideas the slide kept changing. In the end it looked great! Working with Heaven was really fun.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Hands On Fire

I want to find out how to safely set my hands on fire.



  • Safety Glasses.
  • Gas Hose.
  • Deep Tray.
  • Detergent.
  • Water.
  • Gas.
  • Lighter.

  1. Put on your Safety Glasses, pull your sleeves up and if you are a girl pull your hair up.
  2. Wet your hands,wrists and forearms.
  3. Bubble the gas into the deep tray.
  4. Grab a scoop of bubbles and put your arms in front of your face and lock your elbows.
  5. Take two steps forward, then set on fire.
  6. When you want to get RID of fire, open your hands and face your palms outward.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Protect Our Chromebooks.

Today we had to make a poster about how to keep our chromebooks safe. 

The Treaty Of Waitangi Questions.

Who is the Treaty Of Waitangi between?
The Treaty Of Waitangi was between the British Crown and more than 500 Māori chiefs.

Where and When was the treaty signed?
The treaty was signed on 6th of february 1840, also the Treaty was signed in Waitangi, north islands.

How many copies are there of the Treaty?
There are 9 copies of the Treaty.

Who signed the treaty? How many chiefs?
Half of the British crown and Māori. More than 40 chiefs signed the treaty.

Who was James Busby and what did he have to do with Waitangi.
James Busby wrote on draft treaty. On the 3rd of February 1840 James drafted a treaty. But there was one problem it was only in english.

Who was and what did Hone Heke Pokai do?
Hone Heke is the son of Kau. He was a nephew of Hongi Hika.  

Who was and what did Captain William Hobson do?
Captain William Hobson arrived to New Zealand on 29th of January 1840. William was the governor, Williams job was to get the Māori to sign the treaty.

Who was and what did Reverend Henry Williams do?
Henry Williams was given the treaty on the evening on the 4th of february. Henry knew the Māori language very well. There was heaps of problems.

  1. He had no enough time to translate.
  2. Used Māori words that made it sound really good for the Māori.
  3. No Māori were concerned on the wording.

Who was what did Tamati Waaka Nene do?
Tāmati Wāka Nene was a Māori rangatira of the Ngāpuhi iwi who fought as an ally of the British in the Flagstaff War of 1845–46.

What was the problem with the translation of the Treaty?
The treaty has two texts. The Māori version is not the exact same translation of the english. There has been much debates over the differences.

What were the effects on the Māori rights?
Māori were, in effect, excluded from participating in political decisions at a national.

How do we remember Waitangi Day?

We should remember Waitangi day by remembering the date of when they signed the Treaty.

Monday, February 12, 2018

All About Me.

All about me!
By Kahciar.

Talofa, Alolofa loʻu igoa Kahciar. I am a extraordinary year 7 at Hornby High School. My teacher this year is the inspiring Whaea Raewyn. I am interested in animals, documents, science and more, I enjoy drawing, coloring, singing, cooking, swimming, painting and much more! At school I learn best with a group of friends. I also like to learn independently, I like to sit next to a group of friends when I work. My goals for 2018 would be achieving division and multiplication. Here are some facts about me!
Last year at my primary school I was a leader for Pasifika.
I really like Cats, I have a cat called Jingle.
I have three sisters and one brother.
I have heaps of family here at Hornby High School.

Thank you for taking your time to read my ‘All About Me’. Have a wonderful day 


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Science Equipment

Conical Flask

A conical flask is used for mixing liquids.

Measuring Cylinder

A measuring cylinder is used for measuring liquids.


A beaker is used for holding liquids.


A funnel is used for pouring liquids.


A thermometer is used for measuring the heat.

Test Tube Rack

A test tube rack is used for holding Test Tube.


A spatula is used for transferring chemicals.

Test Tubes.

Test tubes are used for holding chemicals