
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Hands On Fire

I want to find out how to safely set my hands on fire.



  • Safety Glasses.
  • Gas Hose.
  • Deep Tray.
  • Detergent.
  • Water.
  • Gas.
  • Lighter.

  1. Put on your Safety Glasses, pull your sleeves up and if you are a girl pull your hair up.
  2. Wet your hands,wrists and forearms.
  3. Bubble the gas into the deep tray.
  4. Grab a scoop of bubbles and put your arms in front of your face and lock your elbows.
  5. Take two steps forward, then set on fire.
  6. When you want to get RID of fire, open your hands and face your palms outward.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Protect Our Chromebooks.

Today we had to make a poster about how to keep our chromebooks safe. 

The Treaty Of Waitangi Questions.

Who is the Treaty Of Waitangi between?
The Treaty Of Waitangi was between the British Crown and more than 500 Māori chiefs.

Where and When was the treaty signed?
The treaty was signed on 6th of february 1840, also the Treaty was signed in Waitangi, north islands.

How many copies are there of the Treaty?
There are 9 copies of the Treaty.

Who signed the treaty? How many chiefs?
Half of the British crown and Māori. More than 40 chiefs signed the treaty.

Who was James Busby and what did he have to do with Waitangi.
James Busby wrote on draft treaty. On the 3rd of February 1840 James drafted a treaty. But there was one problem it was only in english.

Who was and what did Hone Heke Pokai do?
Hone Heke is the son of Kau. He was a nephew of Hongi Hika.  

Who was and what did Captain William Hobson do?
Captain William Hobson arrived to New Zealand on 29th of January 1840. William was the governor, Williams job was to get the Māori to sign the treaty.

Who was and what did Reverend Henry Williams do?
Henry Williams was given the treaty on the evening on the 4th of february. Henry knew the Māori language very well. There was heaps of problems.

  1. He had no enough time to translate.
  2. Used Māori words that made it sound really good for the Māori.
  3. No Māori were concerned on the wording.

Who was what did Tamati Waaka Nene do?
Tāmati Wāka Nene was a Māori rangatira of the Ngāpuhi iwi who fought as an ally of the British in the Flagstaff War of 1845–46.

What was the problem with the translation of the Treaty?
The treaty has two texts. The Māori version is not the exact same translation of the english. There has been much debates over the differences.

What were the effects on the Māori rights?
Māori were, in effect, excluded from participating in political decisions at a national.

How do we remember Waitangi Day?

We should remember Waitangi day by remembering the date of when they signed the Treaty.

Monday, February 12, 2018

All About Me.

All about me!
By Kahciar.

Talofa, Alolofa loʻu igoa Kahciar. I am a extraordinary year 7 at Hornby High School. My teacher this year is the inspiring Whaea Raewyn. I am interested in animals, documents, science and more, I enjoy drawing, coloring, singing, cooking, swimming, painting and much more! At school I learn best with a group of friends. I also like to learn independently, I like to sit next to a group of friends when I work. My goals for 2018 would be achieving division and multiplication. Here are some facts about me!
Last year at my primary school I was a leader for Pasifika.
I really like Cats, I have a cat called Jingle.
I have three sisters and one brother.
I have heaps of family here at Hornby High School.

Thank you for taking your time to read my ‘All About Me’. Have a wonderful day 


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Science Equipment

Conical Flask

A conical flask is used for mixing liquids.

Measuring Cylinder

A measuring cylinder is used for measuring liquids.


A beaker is used for holding liquids.


A funnel is used for pouring liquids.


A thermometer is used for measuring the heat.

Test Tube Rack

A test tube rack is used for holding Test Tube.


A spatula is used for transferring chemicals.

Test Tubes.

Test tubes are used for holding chemicals