
Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Workshop 5: Creating the illusion of the Other Mother

Workshop 5: Creating the illusion of the Other Mother

★ looks like the normal mum but with button eyes
★ dresses like the real mother
★ softer/rounder edge - hips, head, knees, elbows
★ clothes are basic designs, no patterns, covers most of her body

★ head & nose get sharper
★ sleeves get shorter
★ addition of red to the colour palette 
★ starting to get Beatle shape from the apron
★ long baggy pants to keep the idea of softness

★ weight has moved to hips/bum - accents Beatle shape of dress.
★ red, black, white, more pattern, better/tighter fit, more skin showing
★ getting longer & pointer, stretched neck, pointed elbows, shorter hair, pointed hair & nose

★ scissors/twig like - very skinny
★ huge height increase - compared to the oven
★ pointy head, elbows
★ high heels
★ full black outfit - red shoes
★ little/no fat left on her body, lots of skin showing

★ skinless, needle-like, looks like a spider, no face, paper-thin
★ has grown extra legs, fractured bones
★ looks alien - not human-like
★ clothes are more like tattered rags
★ very tall
★ has become hunched over

Gradual changes over time:
★ takes more time to notice
★ looks can be deceiving 
★ changes as Coraline's perception of her changes

★ Start - colour is warm, inviting, by the end is green, unnatural & creepy

Friday, July 24, 2020

Workshop 4: How does Music enhance the story? ★


Major - written in major key, happy tone
★ Minor - written in minor key, sad/creepy tone

Tempo: [Speed]
★ Fast - makes it feel energetic, gives movement
★ Slow - makes it feel lethargic, boring

Dynamics: [Volume]
★ Loud (forte) - feels intense, shocking, builds emotion
★ Quiet (piano) - draw in viewers focus, background
★ Changes - quiet to loud - builds intensity/energy 
     - loud to quiet - drains intensity/energy

Diegetic Sound - sounds added to a film eg music exp
Non-diegetic - sounds that occur naturally

1st Song - happy, uplifting, calm
2nd Song - slow, sad, mysterious

Coraline Opening Scene

★ Minor - unsettled, creepy, insecure

Tempo:★ Moderate/Fast - gives energy, movement, 
Changes dynamic often - focus, builds intensity

Mouse Circus

★ Minor - unsettling, creepy

★ Fast - furious, energetic

★ Loud - happy, playful

Ghost Children - behind mirror

★ Minor - tone creepy, low - works well with the ghost howls and scattering rats sounds

Tempo:★ Slow - moments where it picks up, lazy, lethargic

★ Loud - swells loud, quiet - creates focus moments

Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

What is a healthy relationship?

Healthy relationships allow both partners in that relationship to feel respected, appreciated, supported and connected but still feel independent and comfortable in the relationship. In a healthy relationship with good communication, both partners in that relationship should treat each other with respect. 

What is an unhealthy relationship?

An unhealthy relationship is a relationship one or both partners show behaviour that is not healthy and doesn't have any respect for each other. An unhealthy relationship is bad for you. It can be unhealthy in many ways. If you or your significant other is aggressive or physically threatening the relationship is unhealthy.

Different types of relationships:

De facto/Marriage
Parents - Caregivers

Healthy Relationships:

- Respecting the others in the relationship beliefs.
- You’re able to express yourself to the other without feeling scared.
- You can feel safe and comfortable with the other person.
- You don’t worry about violence in the relationship.
- Respect and take interest into the other hobbies

Unhealthy Relationships:

- Feeling pressure to change yourself for the other.
- You have a lack of privacy.
- Yelling or physical violence during an argument.
- Lack of fairness and equality.
- Feeling pressure to leave behind the things you enjoy for the other.
- Other talking about you behind your back.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Literacy Task [Wananga] - The Predator

The Predator - Pobble 365

A deep growl could be heard from deep in the forest. The growl travelled into the city, causing a slight shake to the ground. The cat strutted slowly showing off its soft white coat, big milky grey eyes, long white whiskers and soft spots on its face. Its eyes looked deep into every person’s eye as it walks down the cities street, it felt like as if it was grabbing onto your soul. Fear filled the air as the cat walked with pride.