
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Memoir In Kahikatea

Term 1
In term 1 it was my first day in Kahikatea,the class was so big it was like a whole another world to me,I was shy at first but then I go the hang of it.My teachers name was Mrs Boswell,Mr Barrow.

Term 2
In term 2 Mr Barrow became the “Acting Principal”,so we had a new teacher to fill in for Mr Barrow.Her name is Annabel McCormick but we call her Miss McCormick and I joined the ukulele class

Term 3
In term 3 Kahikatea and the other classes went to the “Canterbury Museum”.We learnt about the past and touched some things maori people used in the past to survive.

Term 4
It’s now term 4 blue has had a big lose against gold it was a real shocker because blue will normally win.Term 4 has been a really fun term I like term 4 the most because there is “Kids in town” and much more fun stuff to do!